How A Trip To Kashmir Changed My Life Forever…

2 min readJun 25, 2023


- And Why You Should Take A Journey Of Your Own Too (Read on)

When I was 18, I was burnt out.

I started my Freelance journey and was making “good enough” money.

Working tirelsely all day without any rest.

I needed a break.

So I decided for a trip

It was one of the best choices of my life.

Here’s why you also need a trip…

#1. Happiness.

You’ll never be happy with others until you’re happy alone.

When I travelled, I learned to enjoy:

• Eating alone
• Exploring alone
• Going to resturants alone

It felt weird at first, but by the end, I loved it.

#2. Confidence.

When you travel alone, you’re forced to talk to people.

Locals and other travellers.

First, you’re awkward.

But with each approach, you build your confidence.

By the end of your trip, you’ll be a whole new person.


When travelling, I met locals with nothing.
Most were happy.

Back home, I knew people with everything.
Most were miserable.

Made me realize, we tell ourselves “I’ll be happy when I get XYZ.”

People chase this their whole lives and end up miserable.

Don’t wait to live.

Travel before too many obligations pile up.

The #1 thing I hear from older people:

“I regret not travelling.”

It’s easy when you’re young.

No kids, house, or responsibilities to take care of.

Take advantage of your freedom.

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I build Softwares, Lift weights and Write Facts.